RW SGM Szt.Lászlói Sissy Princess
Barna klasszikus cirmos / Brown classic tabby
1998.06.16. -

Budapest, Lurdy-ház (PMCE)
TICA - HHP-Congress : 1.
Budapest, Lurdy-ház (PMCE)
12-ring TICA: 2nd Best of best HHP
Altheim, Austria (BDCC)
12-ring TICA: Best of best HHP
Sopron (PMCE)
14-ring TICA: Best of best HHP; JCBMA
Kindberg, Austria (BDCC)
  8-ring TICA: Best of best HHP; 2xJCBMA**
Tilburg, Hollandia (Cats and Tulips)
  8-ring TICA: 3rd Best of best HHP
Huy, Belgium (Belgian Cat Lovers)
10-ring TICA: 2nd Best of best HHP
Hürth, Germany (TICACats)
  8-ring TICA: 3rd Best of best HHP
St. Georgen, Austria (BDCC)
12-ring TICA: 2nd Best of best HHP
Tapolca, Hungary (Pannon Cat Club)*
10-ring TICA: Best of best HHP
Kranj, Slovenia (Ljubljana Cat Fanciers)
10-ring TICA: 2nd Best of best HHP
Frohnleiten, Austria (BDCC)
14-ring TICA: 3rd Best of best HHP
Attergau, Austria (BDCC)
10-ring TICA: 3rd Best of best HHP
* - az első magyarországi TICA kiállítás
** - JCBMA = James C.Becknell Memorial Award
- Supreme Grand Master (SGM) - 2000.

- TICA-EN - Regional Winner 2005/2006 -
19th Best of best HHP
- TICA-EN - Regional Winner 2000/2001 -
Best of best HHP
- TICA-EN - Regional Winner 1999/2000 -
3rd Best of best HHP

Csak a TICA eredmények!

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(c) Web: Szentes Gerzson Péter, 2006-